I had a dream once...
One morning I woke up, and feathered all over the couch.
The couch laughed at me, so I chopped it up with my golden spork.
Then I went outside, using my arms to sheild the celestial light (protruding from the purple swirlyclouds) from my eyes.
Then I looked to my left, and there was my mother, wearing but a winter parka, and uglypants, in the middle of July the 49th.
She looked at me, and yelled at me to brush my face!
I ran at her toting my trusty spork, but I got hit by a car, doing negative fortyfive miles per hour.
That's when the dream starts...
I dreampt that I went on to newgrounds and listened to an awesome song, called black lips. That song kicks ass! It was so good, that I mistook the author for a blue grape. Which was a close one. Anywho, this song rocks!!!
Check out some of my stuff! ^_^