Heya! ^_^
Sorry if I've kept you in the dark like that! I've got a lot of artists in my favorite folder, and loose track of them from time to time. Anyway, "O00N WEEETH ZE ROVEEEEEEW, BORK BORK BORK!" Said the Sweedish Chef. (sry I love the muppets)
Hookay, the only flaw I see here, is lack of diversity. I did a "cello only" song a while back, and regretted not expanding on the patterns. It starts to get annoying after a while. Like with the fade-in-cymbal; shift to a more fast-paced theme. Create some variations to throw in every second bar. People like that.
Ooooh, and add some lower cellos, going up and down quickly underneath the slow high cello. That always sounds cool, but make the low ones quieter.
Yes, the soundfont I used was BHCello. Go on limewire and search for the following things...
"Akai Soundfont"
"Akai Soundfonts"
"Orchestral Soundfont"
"Orchestral Soundfonts"
"Guitar Soundfonts"
And whatever else you can think of. Some of them won't download for a while, but they're worth it.
Be careful though. Don't trust any file under a meg. It's probably a virus!